
David H. Bradstreet, Ph.D

Professor and Chair of Astronomy and Physics
Observatory/Planetarium Director

Dr. Bradstreet earned a B.S. from Eastern College in Astronomy, Communications and Secondary Education and a M.S. and Ph. D. in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the University of Pennsylvania.  He has worked with NASA, the National Science Foundation and the International Astronomical Union.  He is currently the senior most full-time Faculty member at Eastern University, beginning his 41st year of teaching there.  Dr. Bradstreet was instrumental in raising the funds for and designing the Observatory which bears his name.  He also helped raise the funds for both digital upgrades of the Fowler Planetarium in 2006 and 2015.  He co-authored the Binary Maker 3.0 software program that helps astronomical researchers worldwide calculate the characteristics of binary stars. In 2014 the International Astronomical Union named the asteroid 5826 Bradstreet in honor of his work in binary stars and for his innovative Spitz Fulldome Planetarium Curriculum.  Dr. Bradstreet has been happily married to his best friend, Colleen, for 40 years.


Steven J. Sanders

Planetarium/Observatory Administrator
Illustrations Expert

Graduating in 2001, Steven left with a B.A. in English Literature and a minor in Astronomy. In 2002 he came back to Eastern University to run the Bradstreet Observatory working on many research projects under the supervision of Dr. Bradstreet. Steven regularly creates high quality illustrations and 3D videos on astronomical topics for both flat screens and fulldome use. In 2007 the planetarium was upgraded and Steven has been helping run the planetarium since it's inception. He now helps run the Julia Fowler planetarium, helping schedule field trips and running shows for the public. 


Jensen H. Okimoto

Observatory Coordinator

As an alumnus of Eastern University, Jensen earned his B.A. in Philosophy in 2016. Minoring in astronomy, Jensen has worked on research projects and published data on two stars in January of 2014. Currently Jensen maintains and operates the Bradstreet Observatory at Eastern University, helping students finish lab requirements and obtaining data for our current research projects. 
