rain, rain, go away, so we can observe. To have your research schedule determined by weather #astronomerproblems
Student Planetarium shows tonight at 7PM! Only $5 with ID, bring your friends and/or family!
Thank you to those of you who came to the shows last Friday and Saturday! Hope to see you again soon :D
Sign up for a planetarium show tonight at https://t.co/IzD8oTJarp #AstronomyShows #astronomy #Planetarium #JunoMission #Philadelphia
Hey, our very own professor of astronomy, Dr. David H. Bradstreet has a book called Star Struck: https://t.co/JK0eCQOVkK. Go buy it!
Interview with Dr. Bradstreet on Red Letter Christians! https://t.co/tEvVviACCj #easternU @RedLetterXians
Julia Fowler Planetarium shows. September 2, 3, 9 and 10 at 7pm each night. https://t.co/vP2zfr4CZo #easternU https://t.co/sFkKpbgnwS